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A lawyer I spoke to, suggested going for a public notice in addition to a title search. But it feels like a waste of money!
asked Sep 7, 2017 in Legal Matters by Mudit Sastri (15 points) | 243 views

1 Answer

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A public notice is an announcement in a newspaper to the effect that you are interested in buying a particular property (whose details you have to give) and which states that anyone who has any claim on that particular property should step forward and contact the buyer/ lawyer.
It is of benefit when you are buying a property where the title trail is not very clear and there is a possibility that in future someone may litigate and stake a claim on the property. In such cases, the presence of a public notice helps judges look at the person who filed the public notice, favorably. Chances of any such litigations being held against him will reduce.
So, to answer your question, it might not be a bad idea for a resale property (especially a plot) ; but might not be necessary for a new apartment in Pune.
answered Sep 10, 2017 by Sharad Basu (63 points)
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