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As mentioned, I am just wondering if I really need an independent property lawyers assistance to do property verification as I assume SBI's lawyers will be doing it before giving me the loan?
asked Sep 5, 2017 in Legal Matters by Vikram Kumar (19 points) | 594 views

1 Answer

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Banks are expected to do a thorough job. But in India, there are hidden forces and pressures that compel the banks to give loan, even though there are great risks involved. As a result there has been a steady growth in non productive assets (NPAs). Banks look at the repaying capacity of the borrowers. They are least concerned if the purchaser lands up with a bad property or no property. Banks have given loan to projects without occupancy certificates and also for  sites without release of site orders etc., although they are fully aware that such properties are developed in violation of the laws. Since there is no accountability, all these things are not viewed seriously and no action is taken against anyone. Therefore, in the existing circumstances, where there is no accountability anywhere, it is always better to get independent opinion from a lawyer with good reputation.

Precise Legal
Zippserv Partner
answered Sep 14, 2017 by Precise Legal (33 points)
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