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asked Sep 4, 2017 in Legal Matters by vikram sharma (5 points) | 327 views

1 Answer

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Actually, in many areas betterment charges are collected where the land is not converted from agricultural to non-agricultural residential purposes. This policy is totally wrong and misleading. Strictly speaking betterment charges are to be collected only when the local authorities develop the area, road, parks, civic amenities etc. and make the property more valuable. Since there are large scale violation of the laws, such concepts are not considered important. In any case, if the Corporation demands for betterment charges, it is better to pay it off and buy peace; otherwise the property will be locked-up in a marathon litigation, which will prove to be far expensive than paying betterment charges.

Precise Legal
Zippserv Partner
answered Sep 13, 2017 by Precise Legal (33 points)
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