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I am buying a resale flat in bommanahali, how much stamp duty will have to pay for it. Is GST applicable? If I the flat register in my wife's name, does government give some discount on the stamp duty? I have heard some states do that.
asked Aug 29, 2017 in Legal Matters by rahulsekhawat82 (27 points) | 172 views

1 Answer

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Stamp duty: 5% of the total sale consideration

Surcharge: 0.1% of sale consideration for BBMP areas

                 : 0.15% of sale consideration for BMRDA areas

Cess:    0.5% of the total sale consideration

Registration fee: 1% of the total sale consideration

In total you have to pay 6.6 or 6.6.5% of the sale value(consideration) depending on whether the property is in BBMP or BMRDA areas. For more details please see the following link.

answered Sep 2, 2017 by sasisekhar (80 points)
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